Adrian Sandu

Adrian Sandu


The home of Front End News - a weekly collection of carefully curated news from the web industry, major software updates and releases, and other useful information.

Apple vs the EU, Chrome 122, Firefox 123, MS Edge 122, Polypane 18, Safari 17.4, and more | Front End News #107
Interop 2023-2024, Baseline 2023, CSS Wrapped, Browser News, Front End Resources and more | Front End News #106
Polypane 16, Safari TP 182-183, Angular 17, Node 21.2, TypeScript 5.3 RC, Vite 5.0, and more | Front End News #105
js13kGames 2023 winners, Chrome 118-119, Firefox 119, Edge 118, Vivaldi 6.4, Safari 17.1, Node 21, TypeScript 5.3 Beta, and more | Front End News #104
State of HTML, Firefox 118, Vivaldi on iOS, Safari TP 180, Astro 3.2, Deno 1.37, Next.js 13.5, and more | Front End News #103
State of CSS 2023 Results, Interop 2024, Chrome 116-117, Firefox 117, Polypane 15, Safari 16.6-17, Vivaldi 6.2, and more | Front End News #102